City Characters

Jake MasonHusband to Maggie
A perfectionist who works in finance. He is well used to having what he wants and hopes that one day his wife will stop pushing his mothers’ buttons and conform a little. He does not enjoy confrontation but rarely experiences it.

Harriet MasonMother to Jake
Mother to Jake, her pride and joy who she raised single headedly since her husband’s death when Jake was entering college. Wishes Jake had chosen a suitable wife and hopes he upgrades before having children. Supports several charities to help those less fortunate.

Jules BellamyBest Friend
Maggie’s best friend, although he can’t honestly say whether he loves Mags or his parrot Elton more. Loud, sometimes brash but fearlessly loyal and protective of his friends. Loves fashion and the arts.

He is a no nonsense, straight to business sort of chap. He hasn’t had any serious relationships since Steffi, his work gets in the way a bit too much for that. Although he is always happy to catch up with friends for a drink. The sensible one of the group. He sometimes worries he’s taken on the role of being everyone’s father.

Steffi and Maggie have been friends since high school. She is super jealous that Maggie’s art career has taken off where hers has floundered a bit but it’s normal to be a little jealous of people right? She would never do anything to hurt Maggie. She loves her like a sister. Oh, if anyone tried to hurt someone, she cared about she would, oh she would really mess them up.

Etienne FontaineAgent
Etienne loves art. Etienne’s very existence is to assist his artists to reach their full potential. He wishes that they would listen to him more. He suspects that a lot of eye rolling occurs when he is on the phone with his artists.