by Louise Farlow
Inspiration can be hard to pin down. It can strike during the most unlikely of times or leave you begging.
When people find out that I am working on a novel, they usually want to know where the inspiration came from. That seed from which the story has grown.
In the case of Murphy’s Bluff, my work in progress, it can be hard to pin down exactly where some ideas originated. Inspiration can come from a variety of places and strike when it is least expected. I will admit that I have vivid dreams that have sourced quite a bit of my work, although even mundane chores like washing the dishes can leave me scrubbing away furiously, anxious to get to my keyboard, or a notepad to scribble an idea down before it evaporates and goes back to the source.
When I refer to the source, it is the place all my creativity stems from. A void outside of time and space that I can tap into at times. I like to picture it as a tree, a Willow Tree, floating within a bubble in space. I do not know why. This image has just stuck with me since I was a young girl. At times, the tree will drop its leaves, and it is these leaves that rain down upon me and fuel my work.
For those that like to write, I will say this. Always have a notebook nearby. Keep one next to the bed, in your handbag, in your car. If you do not, you will regret it.
Now, let us go back to the beginning and I should warn you, the following may contain some spoilers. As you may know I’ve had my fair share of experience with the breakdowns of relationships and divorce. It was while going through the initial stages of what would eventually lead to my first divorce that I had the sudden urge to just run away to a place where nobody knew me. A sea change and fresh start. I am sure this urge has struck quite a few people. Whether it is just the spark to change jobs, or change locations, it can be extremely hard to ignore.
It was also around this time that Maggie introduced herself to me. I would be sitting there, working on a different project and there she would be, packing boxes and going through much of the same range of emotions that I was experiencing. It was interesting to look at my situation from the outside in. I knew Maggie’s name instantly. Some characters own a name straight away. You see them and there is no need for formal introduction. With others, it takes time. I suppose that is much the same as life. We do not walk around knowing the name of everyone. It would be quite awkward if we were always wearing name tags.
Maggie was always an artist. Whilst I enjoy photography, I cannot draw or paint (although admit jealousy for those that have the talent). I would be lying if I said that Maggie is myself. There are facets of life that we have shared. We share some of the same pains, like both having fathers with cancer (although mine survived longer than Maggie’s), however she is very much her own person. Jake is not based on any one person, although I have certainly known some mummy’s boys in my time.
Other characters were fully formed when they came to the page. Ellie, one of my absolute favourite characters reminds me of my Grandmother, my Great Grandmother and a childhood neighbour, all rolled into one. She is the funny, caring, Grandmother type who thinks most things can be fixed with a cup of tea. We all need an Ellie in our lives.
Spud, the Border Collie was inspired by my childhood Beagle, Snoopy. The importance of dogs can never be overstated. Loyal companions that are far superior to humans in general.
Friendship is an essential element of the story and characters were no doubt inspired by friends, mostly those from my younger days. Although I do believe I met the lovely Jean while on a commute to work. I am a people watcher, and packed trains are a breeding ground of wonderful character traits and a perfect time to observe how people interact.
Characters sweep in and some can be louder and more insistent than others. Doris is certainly never one to keep to herself. She announced herself loud and proud.
Ben, the carpenter/hobby farmer was inspired by a man I worked with and quickly developed an incredible crush on. I could never stop looking into this man’s eyes and am sure that I looked like an absolute nutcase, while trying not to be too awkward around him. A smile from him would absolutely melt me so although it was a long time since I had been a giddy teenager, this man catapulted me back in that direction. I would say all of Ben’s best traits were inspired by this man and I am pleased to report that after not working together for a while and losing touch, we reconnected, and the feelings were mutual. I married my Ben.
The setting, the small coastal town of Murphy’s Bluff, is a fictitious town with unspecified geography. I saw the welcome sign for the town in a dream one night, when the story seed was first taking root, and I was doing my best to keep my focus elsewhere. It is crazy, I can no longer be certain what the other all-important project was on which I was working. It’s funny how the mind, and time works. The friendly, small-town vibe was inspired by childhood camping trips at Amity Point (on North Stradbroke Island) during the 1990’s and Point Lookout provided inspiration for the Bluff itself, and the joy of looking out over the sapphire blue waters.
However the visual setting has always been more reminiscent of the Cornish Coast than coastal Queensland. I have been awed by the natural beauty of the Cornish Coast for a long time although haven’t yet had the good fortune to visit.
Whist writing my story, the town and people have certainly found a place in my heart, and I hope that they find a place in yours.
If you want to check out more inspiration behind my story, head on over to the Inspiration Board for a visual representation of some story elements.
Louise Farlow
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2025 is here. I don’t know about you, but I like to ease into the new year quietly. Sneak in while it’s distracted by fireworks and drunken revels and hope
Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m happy that you’ve stumbled across my blog. Let me introduce myself. My name is Louise Farlow. I am a writer